The Worth of a Woman

Sex, roles and gender have been discussion topics since the beginning of time (Genesis 2). An article released last week on The Gospel Coalition USA site (now taken down), which presented sexual intercourse as an “icon” for salvation—a man’s seed as the analogy of the...

Abortion’s Heartbreak

Michelle Obama (@MichelleObama) took my words this week, for like many other women, I am heartbroken. The recent news of the overturning of Roe v. Wade has brought deep grief to my soul. Unlike Ms. Obama, I do not grieve for the fact that this decision signals to her...

A Teacher’s Prayer For Their Students: Ephesians 1

As a teacher, there are a few key classroom moments that settle in your heart and come back again and again to memory. While predominantly, you are there to help your students learn; very early on you recognise you also learn from them. Each child is different, with...

A big Aussie hello friend. Welcome to Pursuits of God.

My name is Emily and I am a follower of Jesus, a mother to three kids, a wife to my husband Dave and a teacher of a Year 3/4 Class in a small Christian school in country New South Wales. I love words and the Author of life and so enjoy spending time musing about how our knowledge of God can impact our lives. 

Recently, my husband, kids and I returned to a small rural community and purchased one of the original homes of the area. In our spare time, we will be renovating this piece of history as we raise our family on the patch God has us. 

Praying that however you stumbled across this blog, in whatever season you are in, that you would seek a little more of the God who knows you and created you for relationship. 

Emily x


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Favourite Finds: Bible Reading Options to Encourage Your Soul

Favourite Finds: Bible Reading Options to Encourage Your Soul

Over the past 12 months or so, a few resources have come across my path that I have found so helpful and encouraging. As a creature of habit, I very much like having one set resource to help guide me with my Bible Reading time. The last few years though of parenting...

Beating Boredom In Your Group Bible Study

Beating Boredom In Your Group Bible Study

This week, Bible Studies will resume across the country for the New Year. As they kick into gear, it is important to take a moment to think about the small group studies that operate in your church and the church-at-large. As the days turn into weeks, which turn into...

Book Review: Grace in Strange Disguise- Christine Dillon

Book Review: Grace in Strange Disguise- Christine Dillon

"Grace in Strange Disguise" (October, 2017, self-published) is Christine Dillon's latest book and her first work of fiction. The book follows the story of Esther, an Australian physiotherapist who attends a megachurch and appears that she has life all together. Her...

Longings in the Year Ahead

Longings in the Year Ahead

As we begin a new year- what does your heart long for? Acceptance into a uni course? Do you long for a baby of your own to cradle in your arms? Perhaps a husband to do life with? Maybe a promotion in that job you have been tirelessly working in? Or maybe something...

Immanuel- God with US

Immanuel- God with US

Waiting for anything is often a challenge. Whether it is a well-earned holiday, a countdown to Christmas, a promotion or a change in life's circumstances, waiting is something we aren't usually keen to do. Since Adam and Eve took a bite of that fruit, the world has...

Other Places to Find Me: is an online library where gospel-minded Christians can find resources, ideas and encouragement for fulfilling Christ’s commission to make disciples of all peoples.

The Gospel Coalition Australia

TGC AU is a website and organisation similar to its US counterpart. This is a great resource for articles written by Aussies tackling current Australian issues from a theological perspective.

Growing Faith

Growing Faith is a website with online resource for Christian Parenting Tips, Advice, Articles and Resources.

“…but his delight is in the law of the Lord,
    and on his law he meditates day and night.

He is like a tree
    planted by streams of water
that yields its fruit in its season,
    and its leaf does not wither.
In all that he does, he prospers.”

-Psalm 1:2-3