Having a baby is such a big, life altering event. Sometimes it is really hard to know how to “shower” the new mother and help prepare her for the huge task ahead (who can be prepared really 🙂 ?). Over the past few years of my mothering, I have come to realise that all the sleep and settling books pale in comparison to books that teach me mothering isn’t actually all about me and my techniques, it is more about who I am and the God I serve. It is when my eyes are on Him that my heart and mind follow and my children have the mother they need. For He sustains me, He strengthens me, He gives me the wisdom I need. Mothering, like anything in this life, needs to be about eternity, rather than just about whether to use cloth or disposable nappies.

In order to help you encourage your mothering friends (both new and old to the mothering game) I have put together a list of my Top Book recommendations.


Walking With God in the Season of Motherhood- Melissa Kruger, (Waterbrook, 2015)- This is a fantastic 11-week study where Melissa Kruger guides mothers on how to imprint God’s Word on their heart and mind and apply it to their mothering. A book that as soon as I finished, I wanted to pass on, a great addition to any new or old mother’s arsenal! Read my full review…



Treasuring Christ When Your Himagesands Are Full: Gospel Meditations for Busy Moms- Gloria Furman (Crossway, 2014)- This is a great book that meanders through how to treasure Christ when you have little blessings. Gloria Furman so gently and thoughtfully points mothers to God. A friend who currently has my copy, told me this morning she finds reading this book a quiet relief within the chaos of her day. An easy to read book that has been pivotal in how I view mothering. Read my full review…


Praying Thrimages (1)ough Your Pregnancy- Jennifer Polimino & Carolyn Warren (Regal, 2010)- This book is a week-by-week guide for mothers who are pregnant and mixes Bible verses with an encouragement to pray for your children as they develop in utero. This book also provides opportunities to journal. While fairly light on Biblical theology, this book allows mothers to take time to recognise the stage of development their baby is currently going through and encourages them to prayerfully enjoy the process of pregnancy. A book I found encouraging during my pregnancies and have since loaned and bought for friends during their pregnancies.


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Loving the Little Years: Motherhood in the Trenches- Rachel Jankovic  (Canon Press, 2010). Rachel Jankovic is a mother with five under 5 years old and knows how tough mothering can be. She writes in an approachable and personal way about the triumphs and challenges of motherhood and aims to encourage mothers through her personal experience. This was one of the first books I read as a new mother seeking to find out more than a formulaic approach to mothering. Jankovic reminds us what a blessing children are and encourages us to look to God as we mother “in the trenches”. A quick and easy read.


Image courtesy: Mel Bartrim