Putting on our God-focused Glasses

Putting on our God-focused Glasses

Where is your heart this morning? Not the beating one, pumping blood around your body (I’m hoping that is in your chest as it should be). I mean the one that contains your loves, your desires, your treasures. Since becoming a mum, I often feel so full of...
A Godly Wife… Who Can FInd?

A Godly Wife… Who Can FInd?

Somedays my hands feel very full. Somedays I get to the end of the day and feel weary but don’t have anything really material to show for it. I haven’t come home with financial reward for my toil. The washing baskets are filling up when I just emptied...
Being with Jesus to Be Tuned to Jesus

Being with Jesus to Be Tuned to Jesus

Abide: verb. to wait for, to endure without yielding, to bear patiently, to remain stable or fixed in a place, to continue in a place. I’ve been marvelling at the development of my 3 year old daughter lately. Each days she becomes a little more articulate and...
Walking in the Light

Walking in the Light

Light is an amazing thing when you pause to ponder it. I think I became fascinated with the power of light at university when we were studying the art of Marian Drew. A Queensland-based photographer, Drew creates photographs in a dark studio and then armed with a long...
God’s Sovereignty and Some Emotions

God’s Sovereignty and Some Emotions

Somedays I wake up immensely thankful. The sunlight gentle nudges me awake, the kids have had  good sleeps (usually leading to me sharing in this good sleep) and the day looks bright and full of promise. I join with the psalmist and my heart sings, “my mouth is...