by Emily | Mar 19, 2017 | Uncategorized
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by Emily | May 25, 2015 | Encouragement, Uncategorized
I am learning to love the Bible. I find that as I spend more time reading it, my love for the Bible and the God of the Bible increases. I learn more about WHO God is, what He has DONE and more about what He still WILL do. Often though, when my daily tasks (or...
by Emily | Mar 28, 2015 | Encouragement, Uncategorized
I love history. There is something about discovering gems of what has gone before and how it impacts my life today that really excites me. So recently, as I gathered with my Bible study group, I was surprised when one lady suggested Christians should no longer hold...
by Emily | Mar 1, 2015 | Encouragement, Uncategorized
My little lady’s favourite story to close the day with at the moment is that of Mary and Martha from her picture Bible. There is something about the juxtaposition of Mary quietly listening to Jesus and Martha’s harried facial expressions in her picture...