The Explicit Gospel by Matt Chandler with Jared Wilson (Crossway, 2012) is a must read for all Christians. I know that is a fairly positive and assertive opening statement, but I really believe it is true.
Matt Chandler wrote this book for Christians, after seeing a number of people who had been raised in the Church and in Christian homes come to a saving relationship with God in adulthood. He realised he expected people to be saved from outside the church, but when person after person was being saved from within the Church, he wondered if there was a problem. The problem he determined? Christians didn’t completely understand the gospel and so while looking like Christians, understanding Christian jargon and participating in Church community, they actually weren’t saved because they didn’t understand the entire gospel.
Chandler sets out to rectify this problem but writing in a personable, clearly-structured way what the gospel is, explicitly. On reading this book, I realised how helpful and necessary it is to have the gospel explained explicitly. I also found it extremely challenging- is the gospel truly the heartbeat of my life? If so, it should have a natural way of coming into conversation- why? Because it should be my life’s passion and purpose.
I didn’t like highlighting books until this once came along- full of so many helpful and insightful comments and illustrations. I don’t want to lend it out- just in case I need to reread parts!
My sin in the past: forgiven. My current struggles: covered. My future failures: paid in full all by the marvelous, infinite, matchless grace found in the atoning work of the cross of Jesus Christ.
- Matt Chandler, p.15
Who wouldn’t want to broaden their understanding in the glorious gospel that is written on every page of the Bible? A book for a Christian, rather than to give away as an evangelistic tool.